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Crystal structure of human citrate synthase (PDB code: 5UZR)

120. Glesner J., Kapingidza A.B., Godzwon M., Offermann L.R., Mueller G.A., DeRose E.F., Wright P., Richardson C.M., Woodfolk J.A., Vailes L.D., Wünschmann S., London R.E., Chapman M.D., Ohlin M., Chruszcz M., Pomés A. (2019) “A Human IgE Antibody Binding Site on Der p 2 for the Design of a Recombinant Allergen for Immunotherapy.” Journal of Immunology 203, 2545-2556. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1900580

Complex of 7A1 Fab with Der p 2.0103 (blue) (PDB code: 6OY4)

119. Kapingidza A.B., Pye S.E., Hyduke N., Dolamore C., Pote S., Schlachter C.R., Commins S.P., Kowal K., Chruszcz M. (2019) “Comparative structural and thermal stability studies of Cuc m 2.0101, Art v 4.0101 and other allergenic profilins.” Molecular Immunology 114, 19-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2019.07.004

Thermal stability of Cuc m 2

118. Schlachter C.R., Daneshian L., Amaya J., Klapper V., Wybouw N., Borowski T., Van Leeuwen T., Grbic V., Grbic M., Makris T.M., Chruszcz M. (2019) “Structural and functional characterization of an intradiol ring-cleavage dioxygenase from the polyphagous spider mite herbivore Tetranychus urticae Koch.” Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 107, 19-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2018.12.001

Trace of Tetur07g02040 main chain showing a relative mobility of different protein fragments (PDB code: 6BDJ).